Language Switcher

Kanagawa Tutoring school

1.Operation start date: Full-scale operation will begin on June 15, 2020

2.Location Installed in classrooms

3.Voice of the person in charge

○ Against the backdrop of the decline in children’s academic performance resulting from the recent school closure measures, the existence of tutoring schools is of great significance, and this device was introduced as part of our efforts to create an environment where children can study in peace.

○ By quickly detecting students who are not feeling well and sending them home, we are able to quickly prevent infection in the classroom, which tends to be very close-knit, and manage students’ health.

○ The introduction of this device has been well received by parents and guardians, who feel safe leaving their children in the care of this device.

神奈川県学習塾様02   神奈川県学習塾様02