Language Switcher English 日本語 한국어 中文 What’s New 2023.10.192024.02.07 New arrival Thank you for coming to “BATTERY JAPAN [Autumn]”. 2024.10.06 New arrival TDU (Tokyo Denki University) x CIB Solutions Collaboration Lecture to be Held 2024.09.09 New arrival We have started FS with Naturanix Inc. 2024.09.02 New arrival We are pleased to announce that we have entered into a joint research agreement with Iwate University, a national university corporation. 2024.08.06 New arrival Notice of Summer Vacation 2024.08.06 New arrival Notice of Exhibit at Trade Shows 2024.08.05 New arrival The trademark “CIB” was officially registered. 2024.01.18 New arrival Notice of Year-end and New Year holidays.CIB Solutions Ltd 2023.12.21 New arrival Notice of Company Name Change and Relocation 2023.10.25 New arrival Notice of Website Renewal 2023.10.03 New arrival Patent for CIB (Copper Ion Battery) registered 2023.09.04 New arrival We have applied for an international patent for CIB (Copper Ion Battery) 2023.08.20 New arrival Capital increase through third-party allotment 2023.06.28 New arrival We have applied for a trademark registration for CIB (Copper Ion Battery) 2023.05.09 New arrival